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GROWN UP (WORK-LIFE) BALANCE... the result of mature adult interactions between employee and employer where:

The employee:

Takes responsibility for their own work-life integration or balance, recognising it's a lifelong process with no such thing as "perfect balance".

Understands that balancing their own life cannot be achieved at the expense of balance in the lives of others, and works with their network to support balance for everyone.

Identifies and seeks to develop the skills needed to achieve Grown Up Balance; and acknowledges these might change over the life course.


The employer:

Fosters a supportive corporate culture and integral HR practices that enable balance for everyone.

Acknowledges the personal nature of balance and that it's likely to change over the life course. (There is no "one size fits all" solution.)

Recognises that balanced working lies at the heart of sustainable organisations and underpins corporate sustainability strategies.

Are you ready for Grown Up Balance?